1.Paul Bettany跟大叔Stellan交情匪淺.
會想到這個是因為我上次去光南要買"噩夢輓歌"(Requiem for a Dream)的DVD,結果片名記錯,買到"厄夜變奏曲"(Dogville).買回家後,越看越奇怪,後來才發現買錯片,不過還好一片才39元.
(Paul Bettany的老婆是Jennifer Connelly,Paul在Dogville演出,而Jennifer在Requiem for a Dream演出)
這部Dogville是由妮可基曼(Nicole Kidman),保羅貝特尼(Paul Bettany)跟Stellan大叔合演的,是一部很...詭異的片.它沒什麼布景,就像舞台劇一樣.大意是說狗村是一個山裡的小村莊.有一天Nicole Kidman逃亡到這個村莊,村長的兒子Paul Bettany幫助她留下來,因為Nicole Kidman謎樣的過去,得村里的人對她產生不信任然後引發一串相關的故事.前面有點小無趣,可是結尾蠻有爆點的,其中也探討了一些人性:邪惡&善良;善良的人們在面對現實環境時,是否依然善良or是人類保護自己的天性.....
這部片的評價蠻兩極的,喜歡的就很喜歡,討厭的就很討厭,撇開片尾的說教,個人覺得還ok,.Stellan大叔在裡面又演一個蠻OOXX的角色,然後...他...又露屁屁了.聽說大叔在Mamma Mia!也有露,可是我沒有印象....
可以確定的是 --- Alex不喜歡穿衣服的習慣 (怎麼講的好像曝露狂一樣??) 與其說是遺傳不如說是瑞典人的民族性.XDDD
這部2003年的Dogville是Paul Bettany跟大叔第2次合作了,之前是2000年的Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang),(不是鋼鐵人的那個kiss kiss Bang Bang).想當然爾,Paul跟大叔交情不錯,才會把自己的兒子也取名為Stellan.
Paul Bettany在訪問的時候談道,有一次被大叔綁架到巴黎.然後大叔要Paul照顧一下Alex,因為Alex剛奪下本來屬於大叔的"瑞典最性感男人"寶座.所以大叔開玩笑的要Paul作掉Alex或是把想辦法他變醜一點.然後Paul就帶Alex泡了一個星期的酒吧.Paul說"我本來想說喝了一星期的酒,應該會讓他看起來老一點.可是我錯了.當我們這樣做的時候,他看起來還是不可思議的帥."...XDDD
Kidnapped by Stellan
The Bettany family and Skarsgårds often spend the holidays together. “Stellan and his wife kidnapped me and took me to Paris once. And I have taken care of his sons. Bettany laughs. Alexander greeted us and Stellan asked us to take care of him. Alexander had just taken the throne from Stellan as the sexiest man in Sweden. So Stellan called and asked me to kill Alexander. Or make him ugly. Paul Bettany took Alexander on a seven-day pub-run. I thought one week of visiting pubs would make him look older, but I was wrong. He was still ridiculously handsome when we were done with him.”
2.Björne Larsson對Alex在Kill your Darlings女裝的感想.
In the scene where you eat Donuts you look exactly like one of the characters in “Planet of the Apes” says Björne to Alexander.
- Oh, thanks! What a compliment. I look like a monkey in heels.
Björne Larsson:在吃甜甜圈的那場戲裡,你看起來好像決戰猩球的某個角色.
Björne Larsson: ̄▽ ̄||
最後在補一支Stellan大叔年輕時的短片,以茲證明人家也曾經是the sexiest man in Sweden!!!