

原文是瑞典文, 由Nordanswede把它翻成英文.
照慣例,以網站原文為主,以下翻譯僅供參考,有錯誤的地方也歡迎大家提出… ^^|||



Stockholm, 2001 12 03

Christmas greetings from a combat pilot.

I have just returned home to Stockholm after almost two months in Luleå. It was really cool to meet family and friends, but at the same time I`ll miss Luleå, we had a blast up there. Every day we had some free time we did fun stuff. We drove snow scooter, shot skeets, went cowboyriding and I even got to try and fly a combat plane, what a dream!


Free days in Stockholm I just sat and hung out at the cafès on Söder or took a stroll in Vitabergsparken.

I have decided to change all that from now on. Now I am going to try and take better care of my free time so I can go to bed, one experience richer, every night.

The reason why I lived up in Luleå half the autumn was because I played in a movie called “Hundtricket”. It`s a love comedy about a guy who dreams about falling in love and his friend who has a somewhat different plan for how that`s going to take place. The filming has been really fun and I hope you`ll like it. “Hundtricket” premieres after summer.

(嗯…我是真的很喜歡那段洗澡戲啦…. >////< )

Now I`m as mentioned back in Stockholm and have planned to, apart from all my enriching activities, bake lussebullar [a bun Swedes eat for Lucia in December] and look at the Christmas calendar. Before I answer any questions I just want to say that most of your questions have been answered in earlier letters, so please go in and read them. And then I hope that you understand that I can`t send any personal answers to all of you, but have to limit myself to answering the questions here in this newsletter.
現在,正如前面提過的,我已回到Stockholm而且計劃好要做的事,除了所有的公開活動外.就是烤露西亞麵包 [一種瑞典人在12月露西亞節吃的麵包] 跟看著耶誕月曆.在我回答問題前,我只想說大部分的問題都已經回覆在之前的通訊了,所以請先去看看.我也希望你們能瞭解我無法個別回答你們全部的問題,但必須克制自己回答這些在新聞通訊裡的問題.

瑞典露西亞節(The Lucia Day)是瑞典一個非常特殊的節日。每年的12月13日是「露西亞節」,是為了紀念帶領大家驅逐黑暗、追求光明的女神,於是就以露西亞女神的名字,將女神降臨人間的這一天訂為「露西亞節」。

Jossan: Favorite actor?
Oh, there are plenty. Ernst-Hugo Järegård, Keve Hjelm, Margareta Krook, Thommy Berggren, Göran Ragnerstam, to name a few…
Alex:喔,有很多. Ernst-Hugo Järegård, Keve Hjelm, Margareta Krook, Thommy Berggren, Göran Ragnerstam…等等.

Nathalie: The funniest thing you have done?
To steer a fighter plane on five thousand meters altitude beats most of what I have done. Thank all wonderful on F21 in Luleå!!!

Annika: What school did you go to?
I wen to Södermalmsskolan (1-6) Eriksdalsskolan (7-9) and Åsö (high school)
Alex:我念過Södermalmsskolan(1-6年級) Eriksdalsskolan(7-9年級)跟Åsö(高中).

Jompa: Where did you buy your three crown jacket? [Three crown is the Swedish sign used both by the army and various sports teams – not sure which this is]
Jompa:你在哪裡買到三冠夾克? [三冠是瑞典的標誌用於陸軍及各種運動隊伍-不確定是哪個]
On UFF [second hand store] in Göteborg three years ago.
Alex:三年前在Göteborg 的UFF [二手店] 買的.


Daniel: How do you succeed as an actor?
There are never any guarantees that you should be able to provide for yourself as an actor. But a great start is to get an education and experience through school plays, local groups and through auditions.

Linda: Can we start a fan club about you?
Of course you can. Let me know if you need any help with anything.

Eva: How old were you the first time you were in a movie?
I was seven when I made“Åke and his world”.
Alex:我在7歲的時候演出“Åke and his world”.

I wanted to finish off by saying sorry for the slow updates. It has not been because of laziness, but because I personally don`t have the technical skills to update myself and have had to depend on others. And since the site does not bring in any kind of income, everyone has participated for free on their spare time….

Recently started to cooperate with Hopefully the updates from now on will be a little more intensive and the activity on the site will grow. Even now the cooperation is felt.

Hope you get a wonderful Christmas with a lot of snow, porridge and presents and remember that santa exists as long as you want him to exist!
希望你們都有個美好的耶誕節,享受白雪紛飛, 吃麥片粥還有收禮物! 還要記住,真的有聖誕老公公, 只要你相信他就會存在!

Swim easy!

(這個Swim easy應該是Alex的個人用語,因為後面每封信的結尾都是這樣,Alex喜歡游泳??我自己是覺得可能是表示他很滿意目前的狀況,如魚得水悠遊自在的樣子)



Stockholm, 2002 02 03

Do any of you remember our friend in the sun?

Have counted and it was nineteen days since I last saw the sun. It can not be good for a human to live that long without sun light. When I`m out I feverishly look for the smallest sign of spring that can give a little hope that it may, may be spring sometime in the far away in the future.

Don`t get me wrong! Real winter with snow, long distance skates and hot chocolate is wonderful, but it`s this dark grey mud I can`t take. If one should find anything positive about it, it would be the fact that we Swedes are the best in the world to take care of the little sun we get.

The frost is barely not gone before we rush out with blankets and ghetto blasters and crowd like herrings in the parks. Tourists are probably thinking we are crazy, but they, on the other hand, have not lived nineteen days in grey mud. Do you remember our friend the sun?
在我們帶著毛毯跟收音機衝到公園而且擠得跟鯡魚一樣之前, 寒霜一點也沒有退去的跡象.遊客可能覺得我們很瘋狂,但在另一方面,他們沒有生活在灰色的泥漿裡19天的經驗.你還記得我們的朋友太陽嗎?

From the guest book:

Sara: What color are your eyes?

Eva: Is it hard to get a role in an American movie?
Yes, competition is much harder there. It is even harder if you are a foreigner and you don`t speak English fluently. You mainly get to play German bad-guy.

Lisa & Maria: Blond or brunette?
Lisa & Maria:你偏愛金髮或是棕髮女孩?
With the risk of sounding politically incorrect I`ll say both. I have been interested in blonds, brunettes and redheads. I have no direct favorite color.

Nina: Are you coming back to “Vita Lögner”?
Nina:你會回到“Vita Lögner”演出嗎?
No, I won`t. I have after all been killed twice now. But of course, anything can happen in soaps!

Evelina: Where do you live?
On Södermalm in Stockholm.

Hanna: What do you do for a living apart from movies?
Nothing actually. I make my living as an actor.

Linnea: Is it tiresome that everyone wants your autograph?
Not at all, it is only flattering. It would be sad if it was the other way around, if no one wanted it.

Lisa & Maria: What do you think about silicone in the breasts?
Lisa & Maria:你對隆乳手術有什麼看法?
I prefer natural girls. If you are sweet and charming you don`t need silicone breasts for the boys to look at.

Annica: Where did you buy the clothes for “Vingar av Glas”?
Annica:你在“Vingar av Glas”裡的衣服是哪裡買的?
Maria, the costumes person on the movie, bought them. Most of them in second hand stores in Stockholm.
Alex: Maria是電影裡負責服裝的工作人員,她負責採買的.大多是在Stockholm的二手商店裡.

Sorry for nagging, but those of you who haven`t had your questions answered: read earlier newsletters.

Your questions have probably been answered there.

Take care and be ready with blankets and ghetto blasters. Soon the sun will pull through the dark clouds and then it`s all about being first one out!

Swim easy! /Alex..



Stockholm 2002 04 10

Hello all shipwrecked!

(瑞典習慣用語??Alex開頭的打招乎蠻有喜感的... )

Have come to know that I was born in the wrong part of the country. Have recently spend a rather magical weekend in Norrbotten. The sun was shining and the ice was still thick on dthe lakes. We drove snow scooter from dawn to dusk and in the evenings we sat in a heated wooden tub and drank cold beer under sparkling stars and the most fantastic aurora you could imagine.

That was something else from a weekend in Stockholm where people sit and sip watery lattes from dawn to dusk and then tiredly drag themselves over to the nearest bar.


So if there are anyone up there who would trade in a lumber cabin with open fireplace and wooden tub against a two rooms on Söder with the smell of watery café lattes, so please let me know!


A few questions from the guestbook:

Sara: Which character that you`ve played is most like yourself?
I would think that it would be Kalle Nubb in “Åke and his world” because I was only seven years old at that time and didn`t think that much in terms of character, but did as I was told by the director so I could run along and eat cakes afterward.
Alex:我想是在Åke and his world這部片裡的Kalle Nubb,因為那個時候我才7歲,我對角色沒有很多想法.我只是做導演要我做的,這樣我就可以拍完趕快去吃蛋糕了.


Elisabeth: Have you ever acted with any Norwegian actors?
Yes, with Bjørn Floberg in “Dykaren” (The Diver).
Alex:有的,我跟Bjørn Floberg在“Dykaren” (The Diver)裡合作過.

Linda: Favorite actor?
I recently saw “Soldater i månsken” (Soldiers in moonlight) again and in that Göran Ragnerstam was totally fantastic, so it has to be him.
Alex:我最近又看了“Soldater i månsken” (Soldiers in moonlight),然後Göran Ragnerstam真是太棒了,決定就是他!

Karin: What does the King of Södermalm think of Östermalm?
[Södermalm or Söder is the part of Stockholm where Alexander Skarsgård lives. Östermalm is another part. Söder means south, öster means east].
Karin: Sodemalm之王對Ostermalm 的評價如何?
[ Södermalm或Söder是Alex在Stockholm的住的地區, Östermalm是另一個地方, Söder意思是南,öster是東]

根據維基資料:Södermalm簡稱Söder.是Stockholm的一個區,也是一個小島;Östermalm也是Stockholm的一個區,是瑞典房價最高的地方… 原來瑞典人不戰南北,他們戰東南… XDDD

Have absolutely nothing against Östermalm, have more friends living there. But since I was born and raised on Söder it is quite natural for me to mainly hang out there. By the way, I thank you for the title “King of Södermalm”, thought that was Petter!
Alex: 我絕不會說Östermalm不好,有很多的朋友們住在那裡.但是我在Söder出生長大,很自然地,我大部分時間都在那裡晃來晃去. 喔,對了, 謝謝妳給我Södermalm之王的頭銜 , 我原先以為那是Petter!

(我查不到Petter跟King of Södermalm有什麼關係,我猜Petter可能是Alex支持的某個明星球員之類的.)

Ida: Pets?
A Leonbergermale whose name is Nelson. He is over twelve years old, which is quite a lot for a big race like that.

dog.jpg (之前提過Alex喜歡大型犬,這種狗的體型也很壯碩)

Tove: Who would you like to be for a day?
I would like to be Sharon and then I would give Arafat a soft kiss and then take him to the amusement park and eat candifloss.


我不知道你們看到這句話有什麼感覺,像我這麼膚淺的人第1個反應:Sharon是誰啊?為什麼 Alex想變成去跟Arafat約會呢? Arafat又是誰?這個名字好耳熟,中東人嗎?,然後我google後發現Sharon是以色列總理(男的), Arafa(阿拉法特)是巴勒斯坦領導人,大家就算不清楚複雜的中東情勢,多少耳聞以阿戰爭打了幾百年了,說這兩個死對頭在一陣爭執後,眾目睽睽之下忽然擁抱親吻對方以示和解….神奇吧,以阿要和平談判耶…


Kicki: Never thought of making a movie yourself?
Yes, actually. If everything goes to plan I am going to direct a short movie in the beginning of the summer, together with a pal.
Alex:有的.如果順利的話, 我會在初夏跟一個朋友執導一部短片.

(就是取自Stig Dagerman短篇小說而拍的To Kill a Child)

JJessica: What was it like to live in Leeds?
Cold, windy, poor and fun as hell!

Charlotte: When is ”Hundtricket” being shown at the cinemas?
After the summer.

Madeleine: Any seeworthy movies?
I absolutely think you should see “Barry Lyndon” by Stanley Kubrick. En is incredibly beautiful and a perfect Sunday movie.
Alex:我強力推薦你去看Stanley Kubrick的“Barry Lyndon”,它是非常美麗且完美的假日電影.

Smail: Who writes the newsletters?
Alexander, of course!

Barbie: What are you doing this summer?
I`ll probably drive around in Sweden with a couple of pals (weather allowing!)

And Sara, I was of course inspired by the great Jesus in “The Big Lebowski” when I bowled!

(The Big Lebowski--謀殺綠腳趾,柯恩兄弟執導的黑色幽默惡搞片,聽說這部片在國外鄉民眼裡就像是星爺的片在台灣一樣.)

Before I finish I want to make sure I thank Anders, Robban, Amir, the girls on Quality Hotell and all other beautiful Norrlänningar [people from Norrland – the northern part of Sweden] who showed a city rat how to live. Big up!!!
在結束前,我想先謝謝Anders, Robban, Amir,跟Quality Hotell的女孩們,以及其他來自於Norrlänningar美麗的人們. [從Norrland來的人—瑞典北部地區]他們展現出一個城市底層的人如何求生存.加油!!!

And now more than ever my friends, Swim easy!




Stockholm 2002 06 12
Donuts to the people!


Hello all you Capitalists and Bolsheviks. I hope spring has treated you well. I spend all of May in a dark rehearsal room so it feels wonderful to have a little free time now.

I just came back from Lysekil where I recorded a short movie called “To kill a child” based on a short story by Stig Dagerman.
我剛從Lysekil回來,在那裡我拍了一部叫做"To kill a child"(Att döda ett barn)的短片,它是取材自Stig Dagerman所寫的短篇故事.

Alex第1次嘗試擔任導演的工作就是這部短片,因為他深受這個故事吸引,所以把它拍成電影.由Stellan大叔口白敘述,還有喜歡在Alex腿上畫畫的金髮小正太Valter演出,另外Kill your darlings的導演Björne Larson不但跟Alex一起寫撰寫劇本,也參與導演的工作.

To kill a Child短片:


I`ll try to get some sun now and then crawl back into the darkness to edit the film. I think we got some really strong images so in spite of having to sit inside for a few weeks, I actually look forward to it.

If I have time later, I`ve planned to go by car through Sweden with some pals, any tips on interesting places?

Cool that there is so much activity in the guestbook.

Here are a few answers:

Caroline & Emilie: What was the funniest filming?
Caroline & Emilie:拍攝過最有趣的電影是哪一部?
Hard to answer, but “Hundtricket” that I did this autumn was amazingly fun to record.

(嗯~~我也覺得裡面的洗澡戲是有趣且值得記錄的. ..>///< )

Maja: Any new movies?
Yes, “Hundtricket” premieres in cinemas this autumn. Apart from that I work on a theater play called ”Who`s afraid of Virginia Wolf” now. We`ll act on Södra theater all autumn with premiere September 20.
Alex: 有的,Hundtricke將在秋天舉行電影院首映.除此之外整個秋季我們要在戲院演出Who`s afraid of Virginia Wolf,這齣戲, 9月20日會在Södra戲院舉行首演.

Cicci: Where do you go out in Stockholm?

Now in the summer I hang out some on the outdoor restaurants on Söder..

Linda: When is your birthday?
August 25

Josefine: Do you have a brother?
I have four younger brothers.

Barbie: Have you been dizzad fett? [I`m not really sure how to translate dizzad fett. It`s slang and it means something like abandoned, but it`s very specific and I just don`t have the words in English.] {Maybe it means dumped?}
[翻譯者不確定如何把dizzad fett翻成英文,它算是瑞典的俚語.意思有點像是被拋棄,但又非常有獨特性,不確定英文有相對應的字,似乎是瑞典語的被甩,被發卡之類的.]
Yes, Ive been dizzad fett a number of times.

(誰會這麼狠心甩掉這個sweet heart呢?是有人劈腿還是跟帥哥在一起壓力太大了…


Sofia & Janni: What was it like before you were famous?
Sofia & Janni:在你成名之前(你的生活)是什麼樣子呢?
The sun went up in the morning and down in the evening and between those two I slipped around and turned gravel, just like now.


A lot of your questions are answered in earlier newletters or under other columns. Among others there are resumes from earlier movies with years etc. on the business site. So please check out that one!

I hope you`ll have a magical summer and please enjoy donuts, vanilla icecream, nude bathing and raspberry juice because tomorrow the autumn will be here.

(看起來Alex是甜食愛好者…不懂為什麼會冒一句nude bathing?有人穿著衣服洗澡的嗎?
飯前便後要洗手,洗澡記得脫衣服,Alex關心您 ~~ )

Swim easy!/Alex .


每次看到Alex訪問的資料,就會發現他真是一個很有內涵的人,不同於一般好萊塢明星的氣質,很有自己的想法,謙虛.低調…可是又不是個嚴肅的人,他還是很耍寶搞笑,很重視生活品質的人.要外表有外表,要內在有內在.我不禁在想,是怎麼樣的生活環境可以培養出這樣的一個人.我也承認我對瑞典這個國家越來越好奇了,要努力存錢,有機會去瑞典走走.看看Alex成長的地方是怎麼樣的, 站在也許幾個月前他曾踏過的土地上,呼吸著跟他一樣的空氣,看見他所看的,感受他所感受的一切一切…想更親近他,想更瞭解他……



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