



H: Alexander Skarsgård, welcome!
主持人:Alexander Skarsgård,歡迎.


A: Thank you very much.


H:How long have you been back home in Sweden and for how long are you


A: Since Saturday and I’m leaving tomorrow.


H: What is the first thing you do when you get back to Stockholm?


A: Head straight to mom’s.


H: Does she have something specific she always cooks for you when you get
back home?

A: Yes, actually. She usually cooks pork-pancakes.


H: Really?!


A: Yeah.

H: Is it because you like it or because she thinks you like it?


A:Uhm.. no it’s because I do like it. Sometimes I even call her a couple of
weeks before I get back and say “Hey, I get back on the 23rd and…”


H: Put the pork pancakes in motion…


A: Yeah, kill the pig… well, yeah that is usually the first thing I do.


H: Metropia opens here in a couple of weeks and , eeehh, is this the first
time you do a voice to an animated movie?
主持人:Metropia 幾個星期前在這裡上映,這是你第1次為動畫片獻聲嗎?


A: Uhm…..yes. It is!


H: How do you do this? It seems really difficult to me!


A: Well, I’ve done some sort of dubbing before. It was something American
that was being dubbed to Swedish. And it was more about following structured
timeframes and following another person’s lips so that what I said in Swedish synched to that.


With Metropia we did the voices before, eehhh…and it’s not really an animate the movie. It’s pictures that they have and then they animate the moves. But long before they did that it was just me and Tarek, who is the Director, in a studio similar to this and we had a lot of freedom to just play around and have fun with it. We didn’t have to follow any timeframes and had could change things we weren’t happy with.


H: But had you seen anything from it so that you knew approximately how it
would be?


A:Tarek had shown me a little bit. Ehm, he had explained…. Tarek is a very good friend of mine so I’ve been following this project during several years and heard him talk about it a lot and so….uuhhmmm.. long before that…I mean I’ve always been a fan of the entire project long before Tarek asked me if I wanted to do one of the voices. I mean the way they’ve done it and when you watch the trailer you understand that it’s very very different from anything else. I thought it was totally fantastic concept and the story is too.



H: How much say did you have in creating your character?


A: really was a very creative process in that studio. We had a lot of fun together and talked about the character and if I felt that there was something that wasn’t right we could change it. And I was living in Africa during 7 months while doing another job, that was 2 years ago, so I was only home for a weekend and had only one day to nail this job and this was long before a lot of the rest of the crew was attached to the project and I have one scene with my Dad in the movie  so we did that scene that day and then my Dad got to do the rest of his scenes like 2 months later. And it’s very tricky to do a project like this because you don’t do the scenes together but you do them separately. So I did my lines and then Dad listened to what I’d done and added his lines. And then 2 years later you sit down and watch the whole scene between us… And it’s weird (laughs) because you know that you added your lines two months apart.

H: I actually have some of the scenes you do with your Dad and thought we’

d listen to them.


A: You do!! That’s really great…



Cut’s to Metropia soundfiles.



H: Well, that is what it sounds like…the movie Metropia.




H:This is the first time you and your Dad are in the same movie?


A: No it isn’t.


H: It’s not?


A: Ehmm… by the way, that is some background check you’ve done on my

life.Always fun to find out…


H: Yeah!


A: You found out I was living in the computer room and stuff…


H: Yeah, we know more than you do (laughs)


A: But we were both in “Åke och hans värld”. You had a soundclip from that movie and I did it when I was 7. Ehm, Dad played a sleazy neighbour of someone. (laughs) That’s as I remember it. But the thing was that we didn’t have any scenes together in that so we have been in the same movie before. I also had a tiny part in a thing in Denmark we did some 10 years ago but that was like 20 seconds together so, ehm, this is the first bigger thing where we actually have a scene together.
Alex:但我們都有在Åke och hans värld演出.你有那部片的聲音檔,那是我7



H: But in this you weren’t even in the same place to do it.


A: No, it’s ironic and funny at the same time. The first job we get to be in together and we shoot our scene 2 months apart. But it was awesome to watch it because I did my parts 2 years ago. Dad did his 2 months later and heard what I’d done so he could listen to it and…


H: React to what you had done…

A: Yeah, so he had that to work from. And I watched the movie for the first time…it’s been screened at different festivals all over. Tarek has been travelling like a maniac for half-a-year now and I was staying in Shreeveport in Louisiana while shooting a movie there up to a month ago and Tarek was at a film festival in Austin in Texas. So I flew over there and that’s when I first got to watch the entire movie. And it was very surreal to finally see it 2 years after you did your lines in a studio and then all of a sudden you’re watching it on a big screene… And above all that scene with my Dad was very hard to watch.

Alex:是的.所以他是這樣工作的.然後當我第1次看到這部片..... 它已經在各地不同的影展放映了.Tarek像瘋子一樣有半年的時間都在旅行.一個月前Tarek到德州的Austin參加影展,我正在路易斯安那的Shreeveport拍攝電影.所以我飛到德州,那是我第1次看完整部片.這真是超神奇的,2年後,終於看到你在工作室說的台詞,只是你看的是大螢幕......由其是我跟父親的對手戲,終於可以看到了.


H: Alexander, you are going to be with us all the way to 1 o’clock and we’re going to start pulling questions out of our question boxes. You seem a bitworked up about all this…
主持人:Alexander, 你要跟我們待到1點.我們等會從我們的問題箱裡抽出問


A: I’m terrified!

(Alex os :有種誤上賊船的感覺....... =.=+)

H: But I can assure you that it’ll be just fine and soon I’ll show you that it’s just going to be great.


A: Yeah….?
(Alex os :要是問奇怪的八卦,就翻桌了喔....)


Cuts to a song…

H: That was Scarlett Johansen and the Relator The time is 20 past 12 and we’

re here with Alexander Skarsgård who now is going to draw a question…
Alexander Skarsgård,現在將要開始問問題了....


A: Yes?


H: Open a box and draw a note…


A: Anyone I want or??


H: Yep.


A: I think this is really freaky… I’m not kidding.


H: You do? Give the note to me. I’ll read it.




H: I’ll read it. No peaking again like you just did! Well, whatever. This is a question that Birgit Friggebo (Swedish ex-politician) got in 1997.
主持人:我要唸了喔.No peaking again like you just did!嗯,不管怎麼說.這個
問題是Birgit Friggebo(前瑞典政治家)1997年說的.
(No peaking again like you just did不能再攀上巔峰就像你所做的??不知道是什麼意思,是指成就很大,前




What does the letter you get say?

A: The letters??!


H: Yes. I think we are going to interpret this as the fan letters…I guess
you get a lot of those.


A: Oh, well yeah. Uhm… (laughs) well, they’re really not that spectacular.Most of the time. It’s usually a photo they want signed or something likethat. And sometimes there’s a gift too.


H: What kind of gifts do you get?


A: In the States I usually get Swedish stuff. They know I’m Swedish so it’s
often things like Sweden’s national team’s soccer sweater….eeehhmmm…


H: Like they went to IKEA and got you some lingonberry jam?


A: Yeah. But they … yeah… but it can even be like green and white Bajen-scarves they dug up somewhere and stuff like that, that a girl from like Kentucky sent me.

H: So cute!!!


A: Yeah, it is very flattering. It really is very cute and I’ve got no idea how they get hold of it.


H: Do you reply to the letters?


A: Yes, I do. I do. I mean I don’t sit and write “Dear Tiffany…” I don’t do that. But I sign photos and send back and stuff like that. If that’s whatthey want. Of course I do that.
Alex:有啊.我有.我的意思是我不會坐下來寫"Dear Tiffany…"我不會這樣


H: how does it feel to have a lot of fans?


A: It feels pretty good. But it’s like they said in the intro before and the reason why I quit acting when I was 13 years old. I had a very rough time. I did a thing called “The dog that smiled” for Swedish TV in -89 and since I’m so old this was long before there was 2000 channels on TV and long before Internet, so whatever was on TV everyone watched. You know since there was only 2 channels people saw what was on… Not because I want to undermine the quality of that production but…(laughs)..but I know there was a lot of people who saw it on TV and I had a very hard time handling this. I mean the attention because it happened from one day to another and all of a sudden…
因.我有段非常難熬的時期.在1989年我拍了一個電視劇叫Hunden som log(The Dog That Smiled).以前不像現在有2000個電視頻道跟網路.你知道只有2個電視頻道,大家會看......並不是我想要破壞良好的基礎(??).....(笑~~)我知道很多人會看電視,我覺得那個時候去掌握它是很困難的.我是指眾人的關注,因為它就像有天忽然發生這樣.


H: But how old did you say you where? 14?


A: No I was 13 in 1989… And that is a hard age in itself. I was a kid on the way to becoming a man with growing limbs a tad clumsy and uncomfortable in my body and… Oh and by limbs I mean legs and arms.. nothing else…My penis was still very very tiny…



But it was a tricky age and hard trying to find your identity as it was. And then if you add being in the spotlight like that and read about yourself in magazines and hearing people talk about you in the media or people giggling behind your back was just making me very paranoid. It was so hard for me to handle all of it. And that’s when I felt – wait – if this is how it feels and how it’s going to be, then I don’t want to be part of it anymore.


H: But did you find a strategy to handle it now?


A: No but the difference back then was..Oh, and my parents were enormous back then. They were so supportive back then. Both Mom and Dad. They said“It’s a tough business and if you don’t feel from the bottom of your heartthat this is what you want to do, that this is the only thing in the who world you want to work with, it really is better that you do something else.Because it is a hard business, there’s no denying that.”


And that is something I’m very grateful for today, them saying that, because it allowed me to find my way back on my own terms. For 7 years I did something different. I moved to Leeds, did my military duty in Sweden, just fooled around and got a distance from all of it all. And then when I was 20 I felt that I missed acting very much.


H: You’re legs and arms had grown…


A: Arms and legs were done growing. Penis still very small…But I felt I still wanted to give it another shot before I close that door completely so I applied to an acting school in NY and immediately felt when I started that I had missed acting enormously and that I was doing the right thing. And as far as the attention around it concerns, I just decided that I should feel it was something positive instead. And if someone approaches me for an autograph or is some girl in Kentucky orders a scarf from Hammarby and send it to me in Los Angeles…That is something beautiful and something flattering. I mean that she puts so much time and effort on getting me a gift is something I should feel great about instead of feeling paranoid and
that it’s something negative. I simply learned to feel that it’s great that I can reach out and affect people enough.
Alex:手腳已經長大了,弟弟仍是非常小.... (為什麼又提到這個?瑞典人的幽默我真的不懂...=.=) 但我仍然想要另一個機會,在我
完全確定志向以前.所以我申請了NY的戲劇學校.當我開始演戲時,我發現我真的很想念它,我做了正確的選擇.我決心要用正面的態度去面對.如果有人為了簽名照接近我或是一個在 Kentucky的女孩寄了Hammarby的圍



H: I’m a frequent on Internet boards and read a lot of TV sites. And especially
the girls that watch your shows are like “whiiiiiiiii…Alexander Skarsgård”.There like completely crazy for you. You’re like their new favourite aboveanything else in the world. They love you.
是"啊~~~Alexander Skarsgård"她們為你瘋狂.你就像是她們的最愛,超過世上任何事.她們愛你.

A: Yes, I have done… I never surf into those blogs. There are fansites and stuff
like that. I think if I did that would drive me crazy. One scenario is that I’ll read something negative and that will make me paranoid if like it’s about my acting or how I play a character and it will affect how I do my work. And the other scenario is that I’ll read too much praise and good stuff about me which will lead to my ego exploding. So I don’t think anything good would come 
out of me reading them. I think it’s good for me to stay far away from them. But of course I notice that the Serie is doing well. No doubt about that.



Cue to another song….


H:We’re here with guest Alexander Skarsgård and Lena has written to us with

a question for you. Here’s what she writes:
主持人:我們現在訪問特別來賓Alexander Skarsgård,Lena寫信給我們,她有


Hi,What’s it like to speak Swedish in True Blood? Do you decide what to say? And why don’t you teach Pam how to speak it better? I’ve seen season 1 and 2 and can hardly understand what she’s saying. Puss from Lena.
什麼你不教Pam講瑞典語講好一點呢?我從TBS1到S2都聽不太懂她講什麼.Puss from Lena.


A: Hi Lena….

No seriously, from the beginning it was meant for my character to have a very
strong accent because they wanted him to be exotic. The show takes place in
the American South and the intention was that the viewer from the very start was going to feel that he didn’t belong and was far away from home. But he was still a Viking and I sort of felt that since he is 1000 years old….


A: Yeah, I felt that it would be weird if he had this strong Scandinavian accent.. “Hallåååå, I’m from Sveden…”. You know, he’s 1000 yrs old and has been living in the states for like at least 100 yrs or something like that. So I told them that I’m sure that he’s fluent in English by now along with some other 25 languages and wouldn’t it be sort of cool that since I’m Swedish, my character would mix in some Swedish words every now and then instead of having this strong accent. Because this would still give him the exotic touch. For anyone who isn’t Swedish, otherwise, it would only be his name that would be completely strange but it would make sense if he would talk some Swedish. And well, they bought my idea and started doing that. And then poor Kristin Bauer who plays Pam had to go along with this. And she’s American and doesn’t speak a word of Swedish  so she didn’t have it easy. Because it’s all I have are my expressions in Swedish. But she really rocks!

She thinks it fun but hard and….
Alex:是的,我覺得如果他還是有很重的北歐腔"Hallåååå, I’m from Sveden

三不五時要講一些瑞典語還要帶著很重的腔調.不然這只會變成一個很奇怪的名字.然後他們接受我的想法.可憐的Kristin Bauer飾演Pam,她是美國人,完全不會講任何瑞典語,所以這對她來講一點也不容易.因為我本來就會講瑞典語,但她真是太棒了!她覺得這很有趣,雖然很困難.....


H: Are you never tempted to, like, trick her into saying Swedish cursing words
or something really dirty instead of her lines?


A: No, it’s actually the other way around. She tries so hard to get me to teach
her something like that. But it’s me who is….


H: You mean, Eric Northman would never do something like that? He would never be that vulgur?
主持人:你是指Eric Northman不會做這些事?他從不會講粗話?


A: Yeah, but there was…We did…there was… I mean we did one scene in season 2 with a flashback to the time in Sweden when my character, the Viking, was turned a vampire.  And there’s two complete scenes where only Swedish is spoken. And that was a bit absurd because they left it to me and two other Scandinavian actors to translate the lines since there was nobody else who could do it there and shot the scenes with the director and some 400 crew-member there and they didn’t understand anything of what was said. So there was our golden opportunityto really say whatever the fuck we wanted to without anyone suspecting a thing.But we decided to not run with that…

H: Now it’s time for another note from the boxes.


A: Finally…


H: I can see that you’ve been waiting for the next note…


A: Yep. Longing for it… Right, I’m not allowed to peak at it..
(這是呼應第1張紙條嗎? XDD)


H: Ben Stiller, Expressen (swedish newspaper) 2009, got this question. Does it
scare you when you think about what the audience will think?


A: Ehh…Yeah. And that’s the reason I try hard no to think about what the
audience will think.


H: How do you avoid doing that then?


A: Eh..I just don’t you know. I try to focus on the work instead and try to be present in the scene I’m doing instead of thinking “in one year when this is out the audience will react to this or that”. If you start thinking like that you’ll be distracted and would completely make me paranoid and…


H: Do you often go to screenings of your work? I mean with an audience


A:  Yeah, well, some actors look at the monitor after shooting a scene and sometimes, at what’s called dailies - a rough cut of the day’s work or scenes during the production….ehm, and stuff like that I never watch. I just can’t watch myself during a production. Partly because of the same reason that I don’t think about how an audience will react when it’s out. It would simply be too distracting for me and I’m afraid it would in some way or another affect how I act and my presence in the scenes as well as my spontaneous gut-feelings in  how I decide to the character.







由於本人實在無能懶惰 ^^||| ,所以以下翻譯取自午夜部落格,全文翻譯在此.


H: 你曾經真的被批評過嗎?


A: 呃…yeah…I know…well, 我曾演出那種完全被批評到不行的作品, 但我從不…記憶是很微妙的因為你總是能否認一些令你覺得不舒服的事. 我很確定我有讀過一些關於我的可怕評論, 我現在坐在這得完全否認. 不, 一切寫到關於我的都是讚美與好事.


H: 曾有過關於你的令人厭惡的謠言嗎?


A: Yes 當然有. 我很確定. 我打賭有很多關於我的瘋狂謠言在流傳. 但評論這種東西就是這樣, 呃…damn 我現在想不到什麼, 但當然存在許多關於我, 和我的演技的負面評論. 那是當然的.


H: 你能從這些繼續前進嗎?


A: 呃, 當然讀到負面的很受傷…我的意思是如果只是謠言或是那種東西我不會被影響, 但如果它是…you know 如果它是有關於我如何演戲, 或是有關於某人覺得那場戲演的不好, 或是你的演技很爛等等… you know. 一切都與你想要如何被所有人與每一個人喜愛有關.


Outkast song plays…




H: Alexander Skarsgård仍與我們在一起. 該是從我們的問題箱中抽出另一個紙條的時候了. 這次你可以選其他箱子.


A: 這些箱子不同嗎?


H: Yeah, 或許是. 你很快會發現…


A: (whispering) Oh god this is hard…


H: 誰會贏… Oh, 忘了說Dolph Lundgren在2007年抽過這個問題. 你, Sylvester Stallone 和Jean-Claude Van Damme打架誰會贏?


A: Come on! I mean, 我知道 Jean-Claude Van Damme 65歲了吧, 但我想他還能踢腿4公尺高. 我想他會狠狠地修理我.


H: Yeah…


A: Stallone – 不可能. 答案很容易是Jean-Claude.


H: 你仍然看起來像是肌肉發達的男人, 如果我一定要說的話.你今天穿的是T Shirt.


A: Yeah, well. 你看過Jean-Claude?


H: No, 沒有實際看過.


A: No, well 他就像個…像個鰻魚. (我很確定原文有問題…鰻魚的威脅性到底是????)


H: 你有鍛鍊體能與身材嗎?


A: 不一定. 要視我參與的工作計畫而定.


H: 你曾需要為了角色做急速的身形改變嗎?例如增重, 或是減重, 或是這些? 例如, 增加肌肉…?


A: 我從未需要, 做De Niro為了Ragin Bull 所作的那種增重50 kilos的事. 但我有過一次…呃… Generation Kill拍了五週, 我們是按照順序拍攝的, 所以我們拍了完整的7集各一小時的影片. 在這五週內, 就像在現實生活中一樣, 你必須跟上一整排的Marines, 他們在卡車被炸後失去食物補給, 所以他們在那段時間體重掉了很多, 因為食物非常缺乏. 他們每個人掉了大約10公斤…Well, 你必須 – 我們的確鍛鍊很多抱持身形, you know 在我們開始前的舉重訓練 – 因此在拍攝中, 我們靠著游泳或是慢跑來減掉一些重量. 那並不是很顯著的體重減輕. 我的意思是, 不像最後快餓死的樣子, 但仍有些改變, 算是很多吧!


H: 你考慮過為戲增胖嗎?


A: 嗯… Yeah. 我想很難. 我, 或是我們整個家族新陳代謝都很快, 所以我… 如果不健身體重就會下降, 變得很瘦. 我的自然體態是偏瘦而不是胖的. 若要增胖我必須進食...我得把脂肪直接灌到血裡..…

H: 或穿fat-suit.


A: Yes, fat-suit可行. 但像de Niro一樣增胖50 kg會很酷.


H: 為戲那樣做感覺很真實.


A: Yes, it is.




H: 抽另一張紙條吧.


A: Yes… 你可以看出我真的很投入, 是吧?


H: 你討厭抽籤?


A: No, 但我是如此的… 我是如此的緊張有些令人不愉快的事會出現.


H: Hmm… 這個問題你自己在2000年遇過了. 九年前在Aftonbladet時. 被 Aftonbladet票選為1999年最性感的男人. 你是許多女人追逐的對象嗎?


A: 1999年? 你明白我有多老嗎? 天哪! 我根本不在這些排名中了. 呃… 問題是什麼?


H: 呃… 你是許多女性追逐的對象嗎?


A: 嗯… 不… 不盡然.


H: 什麼? 當然你一定是的.


A: Ok.




A: Ok, 我承認….但認真地來說. 真的不常發生.


H: Right.


A: 當我年輕的時候是真的. 在我的黃金時期.


H: 在你年輕時更常發生?


A: Yeah.


H: 但是如何發生的呢? 就好像, 人們來到你面前, 塞給你個紙條, 說“wanna go home and have sex?”


A: No but yeah but… I don’t know. You know, 瑞典人比較直接, 當你在club裡, 女孩們喝很多酒. 那就是他們開始想說自己很迷人的時候, 也是他們敢接近你的時候. 所以對我來說真的不會發生在超市的隊伍中. 很遺憾地!


H: 回到1999年你說了類似的話. 在clubs會發生. 大多數都很美好, 我也曾遇到過讓我覺得很不舒服的經歷. 發生的時候很榮幸.


A: 看看這個robot! 10年過去了, 我坐在這說出完全一樣的答案..不可思議…

H: Yes. 但現在你回到家鄉瑞典, 你能像以前一樣外出, 參加派對嗎?


A: Yeah. 我整天騎著我的limo到處晃…


H: Yeah. 然後挑選女孩…


A: Yeah, 我只需要坐在裡面向人們揮手… No 但當然我還是像以前一樣過活. 其實沒有差別. 我回家時沒有公寓. 待在老媽家的電腦室. 跟童年玩伴一起出遊. 我們只是在Söder區晃晃喝兩杯啤酒… Really, 沒有什麼改變! 我在瑞典生活的每一天都跟以前一樣. 但當然比之前的生活更加繁忙了. 舉例來說我只能停留一週, 或許8-10個月不會回來, 所以當然忙著看所有想見的人.


H: 與朋友們的重要聚會?


A: No, 但就是這樣. 有許多你想要見以及一起出遊的朋友, 但我真的很喜歡去美國發展前, 在Stockholm時Söder的生活, 對我來說回到這意義重大, 能夠與我的童年玩伴一起, 他們根本不在意我做了什麼. 我的意思是, 當然他們很支持我, 覺得一切發展的很順利, 但沒有任何一個人是在演藝圈. 我最好的朋友們是木匠, 保險經紀員…他們….well 對我來說回家與他們相聚很比較健康, 做我自己, 坐下來與他們喝杯啤酒聊聊其他跟Parish Hilton無關的事.


Cue to song….




H: Alexander Skarsgård仍在這與我們一起, 然後是抽出另一個紙條.


A: 從哪一個箱子?


H: 你自己決定.


A: 我選花朵的那個.


H: 這個問題是關於2000年的電影“Damernas Värld” 中的Winona Ryder. 有什麼文化表達是你很不能接受的呢?


A: No, 我試著要保持開放的心態.


H: Musical?


A: 我試過但不是都行得通. 如果硬要選一個, 那會是musical, 我覺得很難聽完整場. 但有少數的, 例如Hair與一些別的, 不可思議地棒. 他們有很好的音樂但當他們開口唱歌時, 我忍不住覺得奇怪…你試著要將注意力放在舞台上, 但我通常常神遊了因為…


H: 幻覺…


A: 沒錯. 要融入其中.. 且當任何人不說話反而唱起歌來時…例如 (Alexander sings) “can you go and get the milk” … 那就是我迷失的時候了.


H: 你讀什麼書? 如果你閱讀的話…


A: No, 但我覺得我一直是兼容並蓄的. 我試著要儘可能的混著讀.


H: 你上一本閱讀的書是?


A: "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut (註: 馮內果 “貓的搖籃”)


H: Hmm…還沒讀過.


A: 美國作家.


H: 好看嗎?


A: Yes. 非常好看! 他是…呃…你有讀過他任何一本早期的書嗎?


H: No… 不等等. 我想我讀過… damn 叫做什麼…


A: Slaughterhouse five..? (註: 第五號屠宰場)


H: yeah exactly.


A: Well, 他去世了, 他非常諷刺但又富含黑色幽默, 我想他的作品真的不可思議的棒. 我真的很推薦閱讀他的書.


H: 你喜歡看什麼電視節目?


A: 我不太看電視節目. 我覺得有點難…當我工作時我的時間不定, 很難跟上什麼. 但我有TIVO, you know用來錄東西的, 我常看Colbert Report. 我想那還蠻有趣的. 在瑞典播出了, right?


H: Yeah. 某些頻道我不知道是哪一個.


A: Yes, well 我覺得他太好笑了.


H: 但你身為一個演員, 你會深受影響, 以致於不能像以前一樣看電視與電影, 因為你已經知道太多如何製作的內幕嗎?

A: No 對我來說不是事實. 我仍可以享受觀賞一些東西. 我覺得看些很棒的東西有啟發性. 我剛看完HBO多年前的影集Deadwood, 有關於Gold rush以及 …


H: Yes!那齣戲真的很有意思!! 我只看過第一季但…


A: Incredibly hilarious!


H: 有個妓女角色很好笑…她是我喜愛的角色之一. 我不記得她叫什麼但她很好笑.


A: 我喜歡的角色是Ian McShane飾演的酒吧老闆. 我想那是一齣很棒很棒的影集, 演員都該看看, 因為角色很傑出, 對白很精彩, 演技也很不賴, 我幾乎覺得我該辭職不幹了, 因為我跟他們比差太多了. 它就是這麼棒…


H: 或許你可以找到一些新的靈感加入你的Eric Northman.


A: Yeah, 絕對是. 我總是從生活中得到啟發, 還有小說, 閱讀書本, 看電視或電影時. Absolutely. 但要小心因為有時候你得到太多靈感, 有時候你自己膽怯了.



H: 現在抽張紙條.


A: Ok.


H: Panos Papadopilus got this in DI weekend.


A: 誰?


H: 我真的不知道那是誰…Never mind. 你最華麗的誇張演出是什麼 (biggest extravaganza)?


A: Ah, 是那個男人嗎. 內衣…


H: 或許是穿泳裝.


A: 穿泳裝的男人! Oh well, 你是指就像我自己這樣以為?


H: Yes.


A: Oh God, 對這類的事情我竟然這樣fucking boring.


A: But what..就像度假很沒說服力, 而且說出來很無聊, right?


H: Yeah.


A: Yeah. 那是我大概絕不會說的


H: 你從不會租個私人直升機參加時髦的派對? 或是類似的事情? 沒有嗎?


A: I guess so… I guess so… 我很以身為瑞典人為傲, 我真的很瑞典化, 因為在美國時每個人都開著有金色漆的Hummer, 身上還有毛毛動物來保暖, 這類的. 我很反對這些東西, 真的變得很瑞典風格的固執, 想讓他們了解我很反對這些…幾乎到了geeky anti的地步. You know, 非常普通 (中庸之道是瑞典的象徵). So no, 我決不會租台直升機去參加派對或做這類的事.




H: Well, 你知道的一小時快結束了, 該是拿出第三號箱子的時候


A: really…


H: Yes. 這個箱子有些之前藝人們寫過的問題.


A: Oh Ok.


H: 所以你將抽出一個來回答, 且你還要寫一個丟進去.


A: Ok.


H: 當你在進行時, 我們將聽聽你點播的歌曲Kenta with the hammarby Anthem.


A: Yeah.


Cue to song…


H: Alexander Skarsgård’s 要求點播 Kenta “Idag är jag stark” (today I feel strong) 因為Hammarby是你的足球隊, Alexander.


A: Yes it is, 或許現在放這首歌不是個好主意, 因為我們才剛輸了All Svenska但現在它是…有志者越挫越勇, 更要勇往直前. 我們只需要從新開始然後…


H: 從失敗者的 一方來看…其實對團隊精神是件好事.


A: Yeah, 在9¬0年代當我開始看球賽時, 在球場長大, 總是很糟糕. 你知道他們表現不佳, 在某個球場還輸了兩分. 所以近年來Bajen變得比較好了, 而且在All Svenskan打球 so…


H: 又回到了原點?


A: 我們必須經歷這些, 才能成為更好的球隊, 現在是展現我們身為真正支持者的時刻.


H: 現在你可以從三號箱選一張紙條了. 繼續吧.


A: Ok.


H: No, 你唸出這張.


A: Oh, ok. 你寧願殺害某人然後在獄中服刑…no, 你寧願殺害某人然後逃走, 或是為了你沒有做的謀殺而服刑? 那是來自Veronika Maggio的問題. Yeah…well…


H: 好難的問題!


A: Yes, 很難的問題!! 我不確定我能殺人. 我不覺得我可以做到. 要看情況而定…但如果只是出去冷血地殺個人, 我無法這樣做.


H: 所以你的答案是為了沒有做過的謀殺而服刑?


A: Yes..


H: 考慮一下真正的兇手還逍遙法外!


A: 我明白那點. 且之後可以成為拍電影的題材…


H: 一切都是為了藝術…


A: Right! 可能得先坐20年牢或是你被判的刑期…


H: Yeah 如果是在瑞典的話. 但在美國你可能會得到死刑, you know.


A: Yeah…yes… well, no 我不可能只是那樣就殺了人. 除非那並不是生死關頭, 而我又被逼迫去做, 就好像, 為了保衛我的家人或我自己一類的.


H: 所以我們還是選擇服刑?


A: yes, 還是選坐牢…




H: 你也為箱子貢獻了一個問題. 你寫了什麼呢?


A: No but this… this…與我點播的Kenta歌曲類似的主題, 也是我們Bajen支持者過去幾週所經歷的, 所以我的問題是“How did you deal with the pain when Hammarby lost their place in Allsvenskan?”


H: 你如何面對這種痛苦?


A: 呃, 不...但我經歷了… 許多不同階段… 否認然後是憤怒與困惑.


H: Five stages of grief… (註: 五個階段的悲痛, 出自Elisabeth Kübler-Ross於1969年寫的書“On Death and Dying”, Kübler-Ross model理論, 又稱Five stages of grief)


A: Hahaha… 實際上就是那樣. 然後最後一個階段時, 我與朋友坐在一起擁抱痛哭. 有許多階段但現在的我試著去…


H: 你已經接受了嗎?


A: Yes, 事實上我現在已經在接受的階段了. 我想, Hammarby支持者必須是真正的樂觀主義者, 就這個球隊過往的經歷來看, 總是處於劣勢, 有最全心全意的球迷, 球隊卻不是最棒的團隊.. 因此我再次往正面的方向去看, 感到能從頭開始或許不是那樣壞, 能有機會與新的球員建立新的基礎, 真的全力投入, 也希望如果我們能找到一個教練能領導這個團隊.


H: Oh my god, 我很抱歉但我真的感受不到. 我坐在這看著你的嘴唇在動, 聽著你說話, 但我仍然不太了解你在說些什麼…但….Alexander Skarsgård有個嗜好對你來說很好!!




今天非常謝謝你來到這, 現在我得讓你離開錄音室了. 你今晚的計畫是什麼?


A: 今晚我會與所有的童年玩伴友人們一起吃晚餐. 我真的非常期待.


H: 聽起來不賴!


A: Yeah.


H: 然後你回到LA…


A: Yes, 我週六先去倫敦, 然後週二時回LA.


H: Los Angeles.


A: Yes.


H: 今天非常謝謝你.


A: 謝謝你邀請我!







現場來賓是Alexander Skarsgård!


Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård 生於1976年8月25日, Vällingby 但成長於Stockholm市Söder區的大家庭. 爸爸Stellan, 媽媽My, Alexander與5個手足還有親戚們一起住在同一間房子裡.


Alexander 4歲的時候. 幼兒園的老師帶他去一間“Our Theatre” , 從此開啟了他的演藝生涯. 3年後, 他7歲時, 在Allan Edwall的電影 “Åke och hans värld”中得到一個角色.


 (Cue to "Åke och hans värld")


“Do you know how it is to be dead? First you lay still, then you get cold and then you get white”


年少的Alexander 想要轉職, 前往Leeds學習語言. 但他不曾忘懷聚光燈, 申請進入紐約的演員學校. 22歲的Alexander回到瑞典, 住在母親家的電腦室, 他得到在電視影集中的第一個重要角色.

那是“White Lies”裡的Marcus. 接著是“the dog-trick” 以及一些瑞典電影, 直到2001年他在Hollywood電影中演出一個小角色. 他的角色是Ben Stiller的電影Zoolander中不太顯眼的模特兒Meekus.


 (Cue to movie - Zoolander)


" Have you ever heard of styling gel? "


Alexander曾說他厭倦演出這些無關緊要, 令人憐憫的角色, 但, 當他獲得Iraq戰爭影Generation Kill中的角色時, 這一切都改變了; 甚至當他演出True Blood中1000歲的維京吸血鬼Eric Northman時, 變得更PG-rated (保護級).
(Cue to True Blood)


"True blood, it'll ll keep you alive, but it'll bore you to death~"

身為我們最紅的電影明星之一, Alexander Skarsgård 突然之間同時成為Hollywood的新歡. 現在他最新的電影即將於瑞典上映 – 他為Tarek Salek電影Metropia中的一個角色配音. 

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