

這個新聞主要是說Alex衷愛的足球隊Hammarby開始發憤圖強,由Patrik Niklasson在網路上號召Hammarby的擁護者所組成的一個組織---Hammarbys Vänner.

Hammarbys Vänner的成員日益增多,裡頭有30個人不支薪,義務擔任全職工作.他們是由一群平均年齡40歲的企業家,推銷員,行銷經理,專案經理及程式設計師所組成,目的在於支持Hammarby的財務.

Hammarbys Vänner接觸一些中小企業,提出贊助包這一類優惠企劃方案,這些方案以2,500克朗起算(約台幣11,000元).包括在Söderstadion體育場及Hammarby足球的官網上刊登公司的廣告,販賣球賽的門票,廣告貼紙等.或是在Hammarbys Vänner的網頁刊登公司的相關活動訊息.

Hammarbys Vänner的相關連結如下:

Hammarbys Vänner官網:
Hammarbys Vänner的FB:
Hammarbys Vänner的Twitter :

發起人Patrik Niklasson的

當然身為Söder之子的Alexander Skarsgård也慷慨贊助了100,000克朗(約台幣450,000元),Hammarbys Vänner將Alex的訪問刊在官網上.


- Alexander Skarsgård, what are you doing right now and how do you plan to follow Hammarby 2010?
- Alexander Skarsgård,你最近在做什麼?在2010年裡,你打算怎麼支持Hammarby?

I’ve just began the filming of True Blood, season 3 in LA.Unfortunately Bajen is not coming here for a training camp this winter, I have seen them here for six years in a row. I will be following Bajen the next season just like I’ve been
following them before, through internet when I’m here in L.A. and from the north stands when I’m in Sweden for a visit.

- How did you feel when it was decided that Hammarby had been transferred down to the Superettan?
- 當Hammarby確定降轉甲組聯賽時,你有什麼感覺?


I was mad. But, what the hell, they’ve been there before and I grew up on
Söderstadion in the early 90’s when Bajen went like a yoyo between Allsvenskan and Ettan. I try to be positive. Now we are separating the wheat from the chaff. It’s easy to be a Hammarby supporter when they are winning the Swedish Championships and when the media is cuddling us. The real heroes are those who in April are standing in the stands singing “Just idag är jag stark” when Bajen is marching in.
我都快了,搞什麼鬼啊!但是他們以前也曾在那裡過.我算是在Söderstadion體育場長大的.90年代初期,當時Bajen就像溜溜球一樣在瑞典足球超級聯賽間搖擺不定.我試著朝積極正面的方向去思考.現在我們就像是穀殼分離出來的小麥一樣.當Hammarby贏得瑞典錦標賽時,成為Hammarby的支持者是很容易的一件事,媒體也擁戴我們.真正的英雄是那些在去年4月,當Bajen列隊進場時,站在台上高唱著“Just idag är jag stark”的人們.


Just idag är jag stark的意思是Just today I am strong,是Hammarby的隊歌,原曲由Kenta演唱.

- How did you hear about Hammarbys Vänner?
- 你從哪裡聽到有關Hammarbys Vänner的消息?

Through a friend.

- Why did you choose to sponsor Hammarby through Hammarbys Vänner?
- 為什麼你會選擇透過Hammarbys Vänner贊助Hammarby ?

Hammarby is my mistress. I can’t watch her suffer.
(情婦!!這句話好妙... ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ )

- Something else you wish to say to all the Bajen fans around the world?
- 你有沒有什麼話想跟全世界的Bajen粉絲說呢?

The most important thing right now is to form a competent board of directors. I’m going crazy of someone is elected with the explanation “he’s a real guy with a green and white heart”. Let us on the stands be the heart, in the board we want the brains. Bajen is one of Sweden’s strongest brands. I want to see smart economists in the board who make sure to know how to optimize this.


(Hammarby的代表色是綠色跟白色.咦...跟史來哲林一樣耶!!!難怪覺得那條綠白相間的圍巾很眼熟...XDD )

Then I have a personal greeting to Runa: Come home!!! I know you want to…

And to all of you who are just as greatful as I am for the joy Hammarby has given us through the years, NOW is the time to show it. Hammarby needs you! Buy a sponsor package if you have the resources and if not make sure to get season tickets to Söderstadion. We will have Northern Europe’s best spectators next year as well.

給像我一樣感激 Hammarby這些年來帶給我歡樂的你們.現在是表現支持的時候了.Hammarby需要你!如果你有能力,如果你不確定是否能買到Söderstadion的季票,就買贊助包吧.明年我們將會有北歐最棒的現場觀眾,就跟往常一樣.

Not FIRST but BIGGEST. Not BEST but MOST. Bajen against everyone 2010!!!

Alexander Skarsgård.
Alexander Skarsgård.


2009年4月Hammarby粉絲在現場高唱Just idag är jag stark的盛況:



Kenta演唱的Just idag är jag stark:


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