
這是一個今年2月份True-Blooe.net的訪問,內容是跟TB第1季有關,還有提到一些GK.裡面比較有趣的地方是跟TB S104離開Fangtasia的那一段幕後花絮 & Alex教kristin講瑞典話的趣事.

這是TrueBlood.Net的錄音檔,前面是Kristin Bauer (Pam)中間是Alex,後面是很熱情的女粉絲call-in



This is Mel and Liz from Radio and today we are chatting with none other than Alexander Skarsgard, who plays Eric Northman on True Blood. Welcome to our show!
歡迎收聽,這是True-Blood.net的Mel跟Liz,今天要訪問的是Alexander Skarsgard,他在True Blood飾演Eric Northman.

Alex – Thank you very much. Thank you.

Mel – We’re so excited to get a chance to talk to you!

Alex – Well, I’m happy to be here.

Mel – Well, we have a lot of questions for you. We wanted to know first how far along in the book series have you read?

Alex – I’ve read the first 5 books.

Mel – Was that before – had you read them before you even got the part?

Alex – No, I read a couple when I was doing research, when I got the part right before we started season one, and then, once we started, I found that it was kind of hard to read the books simultaneously, as we were shooting, because you’re reading one book and your working on season one, which is, obviously, book one, so I found, when I’m on hiatus, I read. But now, we started season two just a couple weeks ago, so I’m not going to read anything until we’re done in June or July because it confuses me a lot.
Alex:沒有,當我在研究角色的時候有看過一點,那時我們正準備拍攝第1季.當我們開始工作,我發現同時要拍攝影集跟閱讀小說是有點困難的.因為你正在讀第1集小說跟進行第1季的拍攝工作,我在拍攝空檔時讀小說,也就是第1集.但是現在, 我們在幾個星期以前開始拍攝第2季,所以我將不會讀任何小說,直到6.7月拍攝完成.因為那實在是讓我很困惑.

Mel – I’m sure!

Alex – Yeah, ‘cuz we have all these scripts and this story line, and we’re working on Living Dead in Dallas right now, and reading another book is just – it’s complicated enough to know just where we are on the storyline in the script.

Mel – I’ll bet. Well also, at that point, you should have the next book ready to read too. Book 9 comes out in May.
Mel: 我相信.另外在這一點上,你應該準備閱讀下一本書了.第9集將在5月初版 .

lex – Oh really? Oh, I didn’t know that. Well then I have four books to read over the next hiatus.

Mel – That’s your homework right?

Alex – Exactly.

Liz – Will he do it? There’s the challenge.

Alex -(laughs) Yeah.
Alex: [笑~~] 是啊!

Mel – There will be a pop quiz later on.

Alex – Ok, well let’s do that after the next hiatus and we’ll see.

Mel – All right. So, you started reading them after you got the role. How has that informed your portrayal of Eric, because, of course, in the first book, he’s there, but he’s not a really major player. But then as we move in – and I’m trying to stay away from the spoilers here – as we move through the series, Eric becomes a bigger and bigger part of the books. I think that’s safe to say. So did it help you to have read ahead?

Alex – Yeah, I mean, of course it did, because when I read the first book, I mean, he’s barely in the first book. But it helped a lot to read a couple of the others. And then as an actor, you have to make the character your own. You have to pay respect to Eric and who he is in the books, but also he had to become a part of me so at a certain point you need to, kind of, step away from the books and make the character your own, and make your own decisions, and your own choices, based on what you already have, and not stay too true to the books and not let that confine you in any way.

Mel – Well I think your doing a good job so far.

Alex – Thank you. Well, Eric is not a very… he’s not heavily featured in season one, so I didn’t do very much.

Mel – Well, but he was memorable. There are a lot of fans who haven’t read the books, but they are eager for more of Eric, when are we going to find out more about Eric, and I think that’s a testament to how you portrayed him.
Mel:可是他很令人難忘.有很多沒有讀過小說的粉絲,他們渴望更多的Eric. 當我們發現將可以看到更多的Eirc時,我認為這是你成功扮演Eric的證明.

Alex – Well that’s very flattering. I didn’t know that. That’s interesting.

Mel – Yeah, there’s a huge Eric Northman fan base out there.
Mel:是啊,外面那裡有一大群Eric Northman的粉絲.

Alex – Oh really?

Mel – Oh yeah!

Alex – (laughs)

Liz – I bet your scared now. (laughs)
Liz:我打賭你現在嚇壞了. [笑~~]

Alex – I’m terrified. ( laughs) I don’t know, it feels weird. I’m terrified and flattered at the same time.
Alex:嚇死我了.[笑~~] 我不知道,這真是不可思議.我感到既驚訝又高興.

Mel – You better get used to it.

Alex – Yeah.

Mel – So, how do you feel about, you’re on the edge of a cultural phenomenon, I think?

Alex – I don’t know…

Mel – Speechless?

Alex – Yeah, really? Honestly, I don’t read those blogs on the internet about True Blood, or those forums they have, because I don’t think it’s going to be good for me. We’re shooting season two right now and I know that I’m gonna read stuff that I don’t wanna read, and that’s going to get stuck in my head, and I’m going to get self conscious and worry about that. So I’m trying to stay away from that.

Mel – Ok, well, we’ll quit flattering you then. From now on it’s nothing but criticism.

Alex – (laughs)

Mel – Whatever we can do to help.

Alex – Yeah, no, I mean, obviously, I realize that the show is doing very well and that there’s tons of fans out there, and that means a lot. Without that we wouldn’t be able to do a second season, you know. So I’m very grateful about that and I know that comes with a tremendous responsibility to all the fans out there. But that being said, I’m just saying that I know some actors are very comfortable spending hours online, Googling their own names, while reading the blogs and forums where they’re about True Blood and their characters. It’s just, I don’t know, I’d get very self conscious if I did that. And I would read something bad and I would be like, “Oh really… maybe… oh shit, is that true?” So, I think it’s better for me to stay away from that.
Alex:是啊,不.我的意思是,顯然,我瞭解這個影集之所以會這麼成功是因為有廣大的粉絲支持,這對我們是頗具意義的.你知道的,如果沒有他們,我們不可能拍攝第2季.所以對此我非常感謝.我知道對這些粉絲們我有很大的責任.儘管如此,我只是說我知道有些演員對於花時間在網路上google自已的名字,看跟他們角色有關的TB部落格.論壇覺得很自在.那只是,我不知道…如果我這樣做,我會覺得很不自然.如果我讀到不好的事,我會想 喔!真的嗎?.....也許....喔.....shit,這是真的嗎? 所以,我認為我還是離這些遠一點好.
(Alex是性情中人啊…太可愛了… )

Mel – So you don’t second guess yourself?

Alex – Exactly.

Mel – Well, with that in mind, what do you see ahead for Eric? I mean, obviously, there are things being written for you, and they’re being guided by the books, but as you are deciding how to play Eric, what direction are you taking him in as we move into season two?

Alex – Well, I don’t want to talk too much about the direction. I can say, I know that some people that I’ve talked to feel that Eric… they’re like, “Oh, he’s the bad guy”, and I’m trying to make sure that people realize that he’s more complex than that. He’s not a bad guy. So that’s important for me this season to show more sides to his personality and a bit more depth than just the bad guy, you know. Because that’s not how I see him.

Mel – I wouldn’t have called him a bad guy from season one, just mysterious. Because you never really know what his true motives are.

Alex – Exactly, and hopefully maybe you’ll know a little bit more of that when season two goes on.

Mel – We spoke with Kristin Bauer last month, and we asked her this question and it was really quite an interesting story, and we’re wondering if you would have the same answer. What was your most memorable scene to shoot in season one?
Mel:我們上個月已經跟Kristin Bauer(Pam)聊過了.我們問過她這個問題.這真是一個非常有趣的事.而且我們

Alex – Well to me, it was the one in episode 4, my first scene, and Kristin’s first scene as well. I mean obviously, this was my very first scene, the first time I met the rest of the cast and the crew and my first scene playing Eric. It was a pretty big scene. An important moment for me. So that was very memorable.

Mel – Which scene was it that you were filming first?

Alex – It’s the one when Stephen and Anna comes to Fangtasia for the first time. It’s in episode 4. She comes to question me about these girls that have died or got killed, and I’m up on my little throne there, and she shows me pictures and stuff. And I realize that there’s something quite interesting about this girl, the first time I meet her, so, that was a very memorable scene to shoot for me.
Alex:那是當Stephen(Bill) 跟 Anna(Sookie)第1次到Fangtasia的戲.是在第1季的第4集.她來問我關於那些已經死掉或是被謀殺的女孩問題.我高坐在我的小寶座上,然後她拿出照片跟東西問我.我了解到關於這個女孩一些很有趣的事,這是我第1次遇到她.所以對我來說,這是一場很難忘的戲.

Mel – It was a pretty iconic image really the first time we see Eric up there on his throne, surrounded by the very stoic Pam, and then all there’s people trying to get his attention, and he’s just so…

Liz – Stuck on himself?

Mel – …and uninterested in anything else.

Alex – Yeah, he’s kinda like, “Been there, done that.” You know, he’s been around for over a millennium so it’s kind of hard to impress a guy like that. I would guess that Kristin said that the most memorable scene was when we were flying. I don’t know, is that the one?

Mel – Yeah, that was it. (laughs) That was a pretty funny story there.
Mel:答對了,就是那一段.[笑~~] 這是一個很有趣的故事.

Alex – Yeah, it… (laughs) We had a lot of fun.

Mel – Skateboards and ropes and…

Alex – Yeah.

Mel – Pretty glamorous life you got there.

Alex – It didn’t look very cool. In a back lot in Long Beach.
Alex:在Long Beach的片廠裡它看起來並沒有這麼酷.

Liz – Well it transferred well. We got it.
(這句看不太懂說… =.=+)

Alex – I think it took a lot of work in post production to make that look ok. Because our balance, I mean, my balance is terrible and I had to deliver these lines and look kinda of mysterious and cool and it was just – it was not easy, I tell you that.

Mel – Well, it came off cool.

Alex – Well thank you.

Mel – So which scene would you like to forget filming – that one?

Alex – No, I mean it felt ridiculous. It was hard to do it, but I mean, we’re still talking about it and that was more than 6 months ago, so I guess it was kind of a you know, it was a fun experience. I honestly don’t have a scene that I feel like, “Oh I really want to forget this.” I mean, knock on wood, so far so good. I don’t have a terrible experience like that. Yet.

knock on wood是外國人用於消除不幸運的事發生,他們會在說出不好的事情時,敲敲旁邊的木質東西,以表示希望他們說的壞事不會發生.


Mel – That’s probably because you weren’t laced into a leather corset.

Alex – Probably, yeah that might be – I’ll get back to you guys when I have a scene where I have to wear a corset.
(穿馬甲的Eric?!!別鬧了... )

Mel – You had the easy part of the job, I think.

Alex – Yeah, definitely. When it comes to costumes, definitely.

Mel – Yeah, so far, Eric’s just been jeans and t shirts basically.

Alex – Yeah, that’s it. Like flip flops and sweat pants and stuff like that. He’s very casual in a way.

Mel – He is, he’s quite laid back.

Alex- Yeah.

Mel – Does that hark back to that he’s not that impressed by much, therefore, he doesn’t need to impress?

Alex – Yeah, well I talked to Audrey, the costume designer, a lot about that. I kinda like the idea, especially when he’s, like, roaming around his office – chillin’ back there. I kinda like the idea of having him in just sweat pants and flip flops even though he’s the most powerful vampire in Louisiana. I just wanted to get away from him walking around in big leather coats and being all menacing all the time. I thought it would be more interesting if he’s kind of casual. He doesn’t have to, you know – he knows he’s powerful, he knows he’s got all the attention and people will obey him. He knows that, and he doesn’t have to try too hard, you know.
(這一段在S201片尾完整的表現出來了,超酷的Eric Northman!!!)

Mel – Well that’s the innate coolness, I guess.

Alex – Yeah, you know, he doesn’t care.

Liz – Well, that being said, how are you and Eric similar? Or different?

Alex – Well, I think we’re both quite stubborn. Well, I know we are. (laughs) And different? Hopefully, I’m a little bit more compassionate than he is.
Alex:我想我們都很倔強固執.嗯,我知道我們是. [笑~~]至於有什麼不同的地方?我我希望是我比他更具有同

Liz – What do you like most about Eric? What do you think is his coolest feature?

Alex – I think his honesty and his loyalty are (garbled) yea he’s very honest and loyal.

Mel – Loyalty, that’s an interesting word. Loyal. How are, mmm, I don’t know how you can answer my question there. I was going to say how are we going to see that come out? What are you referring to when you say loyal?

Alex – (laughs)

Mel – Or is that a wait and see?

Alex – Yeah. Well he is, he stands by his word. Yeah, I think loyal is a good word for Eric. And he expects loyalty in return as well.

Liz – Well, he certainly has a loyal, um, subject? Friend? Follower? in Pam, I think. What are your thoughts about Eric’s relationship with Pam? Have you guys talked about it, the two of you?
Liz: 我認為他當然是忠誠的,嗯…對象是?朋友?擁護者?就Pam而言.對於Eric跟Pam的關係你有什麼想法?你們兩個人有討論過這個嗎?

Alex – Oh yeah, we talk a lot about it, and Kristin is a very good friend of mine, so we hang out a lot and we have fun together and hopefully that will… I mean I think Pam is like his spoiled daughter. And she gets away with more than anyone else around Eric. It’s kinda like, Eric, you know if you had a big CEO of a huge company and people around him all day, they’re all like, “Yes sir, yes sir,” When he talks they nod and when he tells a bad joke they laugh and then he comes home to his little daughter and she’s like, “Dad you bought the standard version of the little mermaid!” and he’s like, “Oh I’m sorry, honey! I’m sorry! I’ll get the right one!” I think it’s a little like that, you know. He’s bossing people around all day, and you… he… when it’s important she’ll do whatever he tells her to do. But she definitely gets away with way more than anyone else, and he respects her a lot. She’s very important to him. More important than anyone else.
Alex:喔,是的.我們討論這個話題很久了,Kristin是一個很好的朋友,所以我們常聚在一起玩,希望將......我的意思是,Pam就像被Eric寵壞的女兒.而她的辦事能力比其他在Eric身邊的人更強.那有點像是,Eric就像大公司的執行長,人們整天繞著他打轉.他們全部就像,"是!先生,是的先生",對他言聽計從,他講冷笑話,他們會捧場的笑.然後當他回家看到他的小女兒,她像是"爹地,你買了標準版的小美人魚!!!".然後他就會說"喔!我很抱歉, honey!對不起!我會買新的給妳!"我認為有點像這樣.你知道的,他整天都在指揮別人,而你…他… . 這是很重要的,她會做任何他要求的事.但她肯定處理事情的手法比其他人更高明.他給予她很大的尊重.她對他而言是非常重要的.比任何人還重要.

And she gets away with more than anyone else around Eric.
But she definitely gets away with way more than anyone else, and he respects her a lot.

Liz – Whereas Bill, he kinda likes to treat as the kid brother that he likes to push around.
Liz: 而Bill,Eric對待他有點像是弟弟一般.他喜歡對他呼來喚去的.

Alex – Yeah, because Bill is doing his own thing and mainstreaming and hanging out and he’s more like a renegade. Pam’s more by my side. I’m definitely not as tight with Bill as I am with Pam.

Liz – Ok I wanted to go someplace else with that but I know you’ll probably have to kill us so. You have experience in writing and directing, but it seems you do more acting than anything else. Do you… would you want that to change in your future? Would you like to do more writing and directing?

Alex – Yeah I think. So I’ve been… I did that back in Scandinavia a bit. I went to Africa two years ago to do another HBO show, and before I got that job I was working on something that I wrote in Sweden and I was about to direct there. So it’s just been kind of hectic the last two years. With Generation Kill, the show we did in Africa, and True Blood, but as soon as I get a break, I’d love to go back and continue working on that project for sure.
Alex:是的,我覺得.所以我一直…在我回到北歐時有做一點.我在2年前去非洲拍攝HBO的另一部影集,在我得到那個工作之前我正在瑞典從事寫作及有關導演的工作.所以在過去2年還蠻忙碌的.在拍攝Generation Kill時(這影集是在非洲進行拍攝)跟True Blood時,只要一有空我就會回去繼續完成這些計畫.

Liz – It’s on the back burner for now, though, huh?

Alex – Yeah well, right now I’m too busy, but it’s definitely something I want to explore more, and I’m curious to work more behind the camera definitely.

Liz – Do you prefer working on movies or television shows?

Alex – My last two jobs were both television shows and both of them are like, I mean the people I work with on both Generation Kill and now True Blood are, I mean they’re amazing. So I think the quality of television today with HBO and Showtime are… it’s so good. So it doesn’t really matter. I don’t care if it’s movies or television, what’s important is the quality of the script and the people you work with.

Liz- You were mentioning Generation Kill. We’d love to hear you talk about your experience with shooting that. It was a fantastic series.

Alex – Thank you. Yeah we spent, for those who haven’t seen it, it’s a mini series about a platoon of recon Marines in Iraq in ‘03. You follow these guys throughout the first five weeks of the invasion in the spring of 2003. We shot that in Africa last year, or in 07 actually. We spent seven months out there, shooting that in the desserts of Namibia, So. Africa, Mozambique. So it was, I mean, it was a very intense job. It was tough because you spent so much time away from friends and family, and you’re very isolated. But at the same time, the show was created by Ed Burns and David Simon, who created The Wire and the cast was amazing so to me. It was definitely the experience of a life time. It was an amazing job.
Alex:謝謝你.我們花了很多心血在這個前所未見的迷你影集,它是跟2003年伊拉克戰爭裡的海軍陸戰隊偵察營有關.你隨著這些人在2003年春天入侵伊拉克的前5個禮拜所發生的故事.我們去年在非洲拍攝它,或是說是在2007年,實際上.我們在南非莫三比克的那米比亞沙漠裡花了7個月的時間拍攝.所以它是…我覺得它是一個有挑戰性的工作(苦工?).那是很困難的,因為你離開家人,朋友這麼長的時間,感覺孤立無援.但在同時,這個影集是由The Wire的創作團隊Ed Burns跟David Simon共同打造.而且合作的演員也是非常好的.它肯定是我生命裡重要的體驗,這是一個了不起的工作.
(intense job不知道怎麼翻?強烈的工作嗎?)

Liz – I had to, when I was watching it, I had to watch it with my husband, he’s an ex-Marine, and he had to translate a lot of the terminology being used because it’s, just some of the terminology that Marines use. It’s Marine-talk and you don’t understand it.

Alex – I know. Believe me, the first time I read the script, I was like, “Whoa, what’s going on here?” I didn’t understand half the words. So it took a lot of… I had to work a lot on understanding what I was talking about… the lingo there. But that’s what I really liked about the script as well. It’s not so accessible, it’s not, you know, sometimes it think they explain too much. You know, they do a movie about Marines but they kind of cater to a broader audience, so they always explain every single word. Which takes away from the authenticity of the project. I kind of like when you don’t understand every thing. I’m a big fan of The Wire and it’s the same thing. Sometimes you don’t really understand what they’re talking about, or you don’t understand some of the words, but you kind of feel like you’re a small fly on the wall. Because you’re not supposed to understand every single word, because you’re not used to that environment, that kind of language.
Alex:相信我,我了解.我第1次讀劇本的時候,我想”哇,發生什麼事了?”有一半的字彙我看不懂.所以那花了我很多…我必須下很多功夫去瞭解我所說的話…那是個奇怪難懂的語言.但這也是我喜歡劇本的原因.這不是很容易理解的,它並不是.你知道的,有時候覺得他們解釋的太多.你知道他們拍攝關於海軍陸戰隊的電影,但為了迎合廣大的觀眾,所以他們總是解釋每一個字.這會使企劃的可信賴性降低.我比較喜歡,當你不是那麼瞭解每件事(的時候).我是The Wire的忠實影迷.而這是同樣的事.有時候你不用真的去瞭解他們說的話,或是你不用瞭解這些字.你會覺得自己像在牆上的小蒼蠅(??),因為你不習慣處於那種環境,那種語言.

Liz – That’s what appealed to him, my husband, speaking of, when he was watching. He tends to, we both do, we tend to shy away from movies that deal with the military, war, things like that, but this one was so real and it was so, it was true to the story and how things really are in the Marines, and that’s what appealed to him. He was petty proud, actually.

Alex – Well that means a lot. We obviously made the show for guys like your husband, the people who are out there. And it was important for us to tell their story. Because it’s not really being told, you don’t see much about what’s going on over there. And you know, it’s very censored, what you see in the media, and you don’t really hear much about ‘going on from the boots on the ground. So it was very important to make it real, make it legit, and hopefully make those guys proud, yeah.

Liz – Well it worked, and there were some elements of fun it looked like. Of course, I saw some of the behind the scenes stuff and there was some stuff that was there, the part where you guys were singing songs. Did you have, did you know those songs? Did you have to learn those songs or did you already, did you guys…some of those songs were like really old, like, older than you.

Alex – Yeah, it was I mean we sang a lot. Some of it was kind of improvised, us coming up with stuff. Some of it was scripted. Some of the scripted songs I knew and some of them we had to work on, or I had to work on the lyrics. You know, quite often we were, you know, when you do stuff like that, when you drive around, it’s kind of like a road trip, in a way, and there is boredom, you know. They spent hours and hours just driving and they’re not supposed to know the lyrics. You know what it is, you’re in you’re car and you just sing along and someone starts, and you just, you know… if you know every 10th word that’s it, you know. That’s good enough. You just hum, you know?

Mel – That’s how I sing.

Alex – Exactly.

Mel – It’s lalalalaaa!

Alex – Yeah. So we kind of helped each other and we just had fun with that.

Liz – Road trips – we know road trips. Try doing it with children. Small children.

Alex – Well it kind of felt like that. We kind of talk about that when we shot it, it kind of felt like we were family, with me and PJ up front and Lee and Billy in the back seat, like the kids, always going, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Yeah I was the stern father and PJ was the sensitive mother.
Alex:嗯,是有點像那樣子.當我們在拍攝時,我們會那樣討論.感覺就像是一家人,我跟PJ(Ray)在前面的位置, Lee(記者)跟Billy(Trombley)在後座,像小朋友一樣總是不停說著我們到了沒?我們到了沒?(是被史瑞克的驢子附身嗎?) 我是嚴厲的爸爸,而PJ則是神經質的媽媽.

(laughing) Liz – So can we expect to hear, or can we expect to see an “Alexander Skarsgard’s Greatest Hits of 2008〃 anytime soon?
Liz[笑~~]:所以我們可以期待聽到,或是我們能很快的看到Alexander Skarsgard2008年度精選嗎?

Alex – Um, I don’t even know what that means. (chuckles)

Mel – The CD compilation?

Alex – Oh, you mean like songs from Generation Kill?

Liz – yeah, that’s probably what I should have called it.

Alex – Yeah, you’re right! That’s actually a great idea, I should talk to the guys. We should tour the country and play live.

Mel – You should!

Alex – I’ll do that!

Mel – That reminds me, there’s a scene in True Blood where you are hijacking Bill’s bathroom, taking yourself a bath, and listening to some old Swedish music on the radio, or is it a cd? Must be a cd.

Alex – On the iPod there.

Mel – On the iPod. We know that that was an original composition for the show. Were you involved in that at all, in composing it, or was that just Nathan Barr coming up with it?
Mel:是在iPod上撥放的.我們知道TB有出原聲帶,你有參與製作嗎?或者僅僅Nathan Barr的創作?

Alex – I was not involved in that. I was talking to Alexander Woo, who wrote the episode, a lot about trying to find something in Swedish that’s very old, but it’s obviously hard to try and find something from 10 or 11 hundred years ago.
Alex:我沒參與製作.我有跟這一集的編劇Alexander Woo談過,我們努力嘗試去發現一些古瑞典語.但是顯然很難去找出1,000多年前的東西.

Mel – Right, from Eric’s childhood.

Alex – Exactly, so I wasn’t involved. We actually, when we shot the scene, we hadn’t found anything yet. So that was done in post, you know, they added the soundtrack afterwards.

Mel – We got so many emails people requesting that tune. They were hoping for an iTunes version of it.

Alex – Oh yeah?

Mel – Oh yeah. But then Nathan said…

Alex – I don’t know, then, maybe he’s working on it, I don’t know.

Mel – Yeah he’s going to work on getting it available for release, so, we’re still waiting on that, Nathan.
Mel:是的, Nathan即將為了發行而工作.所以我們仍在等待他.

Alex – Is he really? That’d be great.

Mel – The music in True Blood is incredibly popular. We always get emails about that after a new episode airs. We have all the songs listed on our website, but we get lots of questions about what song was this, and… it’s interesting how they mesh, the music and the songs with the storyline.

Question was, who inspires you? who is your inspiration?

Alex – Oh, for getting into acting?

Liz – Getting into acting, or do you have anybody who inspires you right now?

Alex – Well I think everything, it sounds kind of pretentious, but everything in life, everything around you everything you experience and see and do is helpful in your acting. I mean my father is an actor, so getting into acting, I don’t know, that might have played a part. I mean he was working on stage and I was sleeping, when I was a kid, so I spent most of my childhood running around backstage. So I kind of grew up on theater so.. I get inspired every time I see a good movie or performance, I’m inspired. It’s not like I had one I had a poster of someone all in my ,and I light a candle for every time I go to bed.


It’s not like I had one I had a poster of someone all in my ,and I light a candle for every time I go to bed.


下面這句是我聽錄音檔修改後的英文: (真的很難懂啊…<囧>)
It’s not like I had one …I had one… a … poster of someone…on…my…my…all of my apartment(??) ,and I light a candle for every time I go to bed. Not like that but…

Liz – Ok, I’ll take those off of my wall as soon as I can. Sheesh! Gosh!(laughing)

Alex – I’m definitely inspired every time I see a good movie with quality acting in it.

Mel – If you weren’t in the business, what would you be doing?

Alex – Well when I was a teenager, I didn’t want to act at all. I was a child actor in Sweden, but I quit when I was 13 and then I spent 7 years not acting at all. And I kind of wanted to be an architect.

Mel – Oh. Does that still interest you? Architecture?

Alex – Yeah, yeah!.

Liz – So maybe we’ll see you building some of the sets around True Blood, hmm?

Alex – I don’t know about building, I’m not very good at that.

Mel – Designing?

Alex – I might make the drawings or something.

Mel – There you go. What profession would you not like to do?

Alex – Accounting. I would be a terrible accountant.

Liz – Ok we’ll cross that off my list too! Gee, you’re killin’ me, here!

Mel – I guess that means we shouldn’t send you our tax info.

Alex – No, no. I get a headache when I see that stuff. I’m a terrible accountant.

Liz – Do you have a creed or a motto that you live by? We’re getting into the ‘getting to know Alexander Skarsgard’ area.
Liz:你有什麼賴以為生的信條或是座右銘?我們現在正進入”瞭解Alexander Skarsgard”部分.

Alex – Yeah, to always be curious. Because curiosity is insubordination in its purest form.

Mel – That is an interesting quote. “Curiosity is insubordination in its purest form”.

Alex – mmhmm

Mel – A bit of a rebel then?

Alex – I wouldn’t say that. I don’t know. (laughs) Just because of insubordination?

Mel – Uh-huh.

Alex – Well I don’t know how much of a rebel I am because I’m curious. I just think that’s important.

Mel – I agree, curiosity is vital to have an interesting and full life.

Alex – Yeah because if you lose that, I think, you lose everything.

Mel – Well next in our James Lipton Inside the Actor’s Studio list is what’s your favorite word?
Mel:下一個是在我們的James Lipton"演員內在工作室名單"裡,哪個是你最愛的字?

Alex – This really is like Inside the actor’s Studio! (laughs)
Alex:這真像是演員內在工作室 [笑~~]

Liz – Now you don’t have to go and do his show.

Alex – Exactly.

Mel – Or you could count this as a rehearsal.

Alex – Yeah, I’ll call James after this and tell him no thank you.(laughing)

Mel – Sorry, done it!

Alex – Um, mun . I like that. It’s the Swedish word for mouth. It’s spelled m-u-n but it’s pronounced moon.
Alex:嗯~~ mun. 我喜歡這個字.在瑞典文裡它是嘴 的意思.它拼法是m-u-n,可是發音是moon.

Mel – And what’s your least favorite word?

Alex – Greed.
Alex: Greed. (貪心的?)

Mel – Deep thoughts from Alexander Skarsgard.
Mel:這是Alexander Skarsgard的沉思.

Alex – Wow! (laughs)

Mel – You had no idea what was going on here, did ya.

Alex – (laughs) No!

Liz – And we just learned how to say something in Swedish.

Alex – Yeah!

Liz – I wonder what we, you know, if we sounded like, what we would sound like if we were to repeat something in Swedish. Would we…Kristin Bauer had an interesting comment to say about that.
Liz:我很好奇我們怎麼樣.你知道的.如果我們聽起來像是,我們應該要聽起來像什麼?如果我們要用瑞典話重覆一件事.我們…關於這個Kristin Bauer(Pam)有一個很有趣的評論.

Mel – Yes she did. When you were teaching her how to speak Swedish, and you told her she sounded like a Russian prostitute. And we just wanted to know how you knew that.

Alex – (laughing) – Oh, I’m busted!
Alex:[笑~~] 噢!被抓包了!
(Alex真的很皮耶~~像小孩子一樣! XDD)

Liz – See, now, she told us you would say that! She didn’t really.

Alex – (still laughing) – Ah, sweet Kristin. In Swedish crime series’, the victim is always a Russian prostitute. And Kristin, she was perfect…her accent sounded very much like those actresses.
Alex:[笑個不停~~] 啊!甜美的Kristin.在瑞典的犯罪系列裡,受害者總是俄國妓女.而Kristin,她有完美的…她的腔調聽起來跟這些女演員很像.
(這個理由也太搞笑了吧…… ̄▽ ̄|| )

Mel – Oh ok. I think we can accept that.

Liz – As far as we know. I think we just got Kristin in trouble.

Mel – We did, sorry Kristin.
Mel:我們的確是,抱歉了, Kristin.

Alex – Yeah. (laughing) You did!

Liz – No she really had nice things to say about you. She did. As far as you know.

Alex – Yeah, ok.

Mel – It seems like you guys have a really good off screen friendship and it translates so well on screen.

Alex – I’m glad to hear that. Kristin is one of my best friends. She’s so much fun. I’m very fortunate to work almost every day with her. It’s fantastic, it really is. Alex:我很高興聽到這個. Kristin是我最好的朋友之一,她非常有趣.我很幸運每天都能跟她一起工作.這真是太棒了,這的確是.

Mel – Are you able to discuss the length of your commitment to the series?

Alex – Well I don’t know, so much can happen, I guess. Who knows. We never know. We shoot a season at a time and then in the summer, when season two airs, we’ll find out if it’s going to go into a 3rd season, and if my character is still in it. I don’t know, I kind of focus on one season at a time. I know that we’re going to try to do 12 episodes now, and I’ll be working on that, and who knows what’s going to happen in the future.

Mel – Well we’re crossing our fingers for 9 seasons. Or however many books Charlaine Harris writes.
Mel:喔,我們祈禱能到9季.或是不論多少本由Charlaine Harris所寫小說.

Alex – Yeah, well, so do I right now because I’m having a blast.

Mel – What other projects have you been working on? I know you’ve been, boy, setting up this interview you were here there and everywhere working on things.

Alex – Yeah, I was, during the hiatus, I was in NY shooting a movie called “Thirteen”. It’s a remake of a French movie called “Tzameti -13〃 by the same director, Gela Babluan. It’s a movie about Russian Roulette.
Alex:是的,我是.在空檔時,我在NY拍一個叫做“Thirteen”的電影.它是翻拍一部名叫“Tzameti -13〃的法國片,由同一個導演Gela Babluan所拍攝.這是一部關於俄羅斯輪盤的電影.

Mel – Oh, interesting!

Alex – Yeah.

Mel – Does it involve Russian prostitutes?

Alex – (laughs) No, no Russian prostitutes, just roulette. Not a lot of female parts in it at all, actually. So I did that, and then I did an animated movie called Metropia. It’s kind of like a distopia about Europe in the future. A Europe not run by governments but by big corporations. And they manipulate their citizens. So it’s kind of a dark animated movie for, definitely for grown ups. And then I did another, well we started, we were going to finish it this year. Also a French movie called Trust Me. I’m going to finish that as soon as I’m done with True Blood over the summer.
Alex:[笑~~]沒有.沒有俄國妓女.只有俄羅斯輪盤.實際上,沒有什麼女性角色在這部片.所以我拍這部片.然後我又拍了一部叫Metropia.的擬真動畫片.它有點像是關於在歐洲未來的黑暗世界.歐洲不再由政府領導,而是改由大企業.他們控制人民.所以那是有點黑暗的擬真動畫片.肯定是給成年人看的.然後我會做其他事,嗯,我們開始,我們將在今年完成.還有另一部法國片叫Trust Me.我將儘快在TB殺青後完成.

Mel – Wow! So you are a busy guy!

Alex – Yeah, yeah, it’s been a busy year.

Mel – well that’s awesome. I know you have so many people who are being introduced to your work thanks to Generation Kill and to True Blood, so, I think they’re going to look forward to seeing these other projects that you’re working on.
Mel:這是真是太驚人了. 拜GK跟TB之賜,我知道有很多人想要介紹工作給你,所以我覺得他們將盼望能看到你其他的作品.

Alex – Well I’m glad to hear that.

Mel – Well we want to thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. We kept you longer than we intended.

Alex – It was my pleasure. Have a good day!
Alex:這是我的榮幸.祝你有美好的一天! – You too!你也是!


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